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Thursday 21 May 2020

Dear friends,

Hope you are all well. 

The past few months were all about Covid-19, the understaffed and underequipped health system of Greece and the dictatorial way the crisis was dealt with by the political establishment. These are unprecedented times. We had problems dealing with these circumstances; we had many discussions as we wondered what to do with this situation while trying to come up with some solutions. The Musical Yards, and their possible cancellation, had always been on our mind from the very beginning of the quarantine period. Believe us when we say we really wanted them to take place this year. But as time went by, we knew what was going to happen.

Our musical seminar is self-organised and takes place in the hamlet of Agios Ioannis. The locals' yards constitute the setting for the lessons, the church yard becomes a concert/party/meeting venue and the surrounding terraces host the participants. In order to make the Musical Yards happen, both members, friends of the Citizens' Movement and students, teachers and local residents join forces to make the seminar a well-organised success and a feast of human interaction.

These are the parameters that make up the seminar. When even one these is missing, it simply would not be the same, and therefore it is with great sadness that we must announce that we are cancelling the 2020 Musical Yards.

We would like to thank all our teachers: Giorgos Fountoukos, Titos Karyotakis, Giannis Katos, Manousos Klapakis, Maria Koti, Sofia Labropoulou, Giannis Niarhos, Manolis Pappos, Nikos Paraoulakis, Maria Ploumi, Fotis Siotas, Christos Spourdalakis, Haroula Tsalpara, Evgenios Voulgaris and Giannis Zarias for their never-ending support and understanding.

We stand by all musicians and their rightful claims. 

We also want to thank all students and friends of the seminar for their love and support.

We do have plenty of projects to keep ourselves occupied with, as we are fixing our new meeting place in Christos, while we continue to develop the mountain refuge "Spitaki Tis Mamis" and do rehearsals with our Eastern Music Orchestra, to name but a few.

Heartfelt greetings from Ikaria! Hang in there and hope to see you all soon!


- Raches Ikarias Citizens' Movement.

Musical Yards

Address: Ai Giannis, Christos Rachon Ikaria, Postal code 83301

Telephone contacts:

  Giorgos M. 0030 6940 553781
Lefteris Chr.  0030 6978 737696

email: info@musicalyards.gr


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